Do You Have Your Mind Rightly Set on Science?

Heliocentrism is considered scientific, despite the lack of sensory evidence of Earth’s movement. This concept implies Earth, along with its oceans and atmosphere, travels through space, which we must imagine rather than observe. In contrast, the notion of a stationary, Flat-Earth aligns with our direct sensory experiences, yet it’s dismissed as a fringe theory, not science.

The theory of evolution is a cornerstone of science, even though we haven’t directly observed species evolving into completely new forms. This requires imagination. On the other hand, the observable fact that species reproduce their own kind, as stated in religious texts, is categorized not as science but as creationism.

The Big Bang Theory is a foundational scientific idea, despite the lack of direct observational evidence of the Universe’s formation or the ongoing expansion of galaxies. These concepts are based on scientific inference rather than direct observation. Conversely, the belief in an Intelligent Designer, based on the complexity of functioning systems, aligns with everyday experiences but is not considered scientific.

Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, a scientific theory, posits phenomena like space-time curvature and mass increase at high speeds, which are not directly observable and require imaginative understanding. In contrast, the simple observation of objects moving in space is not regarded as a scientific explanation and is sometimes labeled as gravity denial.

Climate Change is a scientific consensus, though some argue it lacks concrete evidence like significant global warming or rising sea levels, requiring a degree of inference. In contrast, the view that Earth’s climate is naturally variable and resilient is often sidelined in scientific discussions, branded as climate denial.

Transgenderism is recognized in science, despite the biological challenges in changing one’s gender, which requires a conceptual understanding. However, the traditional view of binary genders, supported by the common experience of human reproduction, is not considered scientific but is often labeled as discriminatory.

The scientific understanding of Covid-19 includes measures like mask-wearing and the existence of the virus, which some argue lack direct, tangible evidence. Instead, the idea of relying on the human immune system and time-tested health practices is seen as common sense, yet it’s often dismissed as unscientific or conspiratorial.

If you do not have your mind set right, I’m afraid you’re fringe conspiracy theorist.